Business Operations Platforms

We at ParallelDevs use service blueprints to visualize organizational processes in order to optimize how a business delivers a user experience. Service blueprints give an organization a comprehensive understanding of its service and the underlying resources and processes — seen and unseen to the user — that make it possible.

They pinpoint dependencies between employee-facing and customer-facing processes in the same visualization and are instrumental in identifying pain points, optimizing complex interactions, and ultimately saving money for the organization and improving the experience for its customers.

Once we have our service blueprint we can prototype our business operating platform,that usually consists of a number of integrated layers, instead of processes being locked away in complex systems, that are defined in clear, non-technical ways, in terms of users, functions and responsibilities, so any business user can easily understand how a process currently operates.

A BOP simplifies communications, integrates systems, offers efficient scalability and lowers support costs.